
By alwayswandering

Wedding season

I had left this blank earlier...but perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. It is wedding season here, which means that everywhere one goes there are wedding parties dressed up and dancing in the street and celebrating with dance music, fire crackers, etc. The groom generally rides a horse (beautifully dressed itself) to the wedding pavilion (but sometimes he rides an elephant). To get the music to the street, these vehicles are pulled along, complete with electric chandeliers, drummers, trumpeters, tuba players, etc. In more rural areas like this, these and the incredibly loud generators that run the lights and that the music has to compete with are often pulled by camels down dusty streets while people dance behind them for hours. During the day, these music makers get parked along the street in busy shop areas where they advertise themselves. I caught this photo from the window of my bus as it was pulling out of the stand in Bagru.

And here's the one I almost put up.

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