Barbican Centre

Yet another shot from my walk to work on the Barbican highwalk. These emblems are set into the knackered old yellow line that weaves its way round the whole Barbican complex.

Went to Argos just before lunchtime with a couple of my colleagues, to collect a huge order of various kitchen things, for the 'grand opening' of our new staff kitchen tomorrow. We had so much stuff to carry (4 crockery sets, 3 sets of cutlery, a kitchen bin, toaster, kettle, draining rack), we had to phone another colleague and get him to come and give us a hand. Very funny all struggling back to the office together with our huge Argos bags of loot.

Yet more tidying at home this evening, ahead of the work starting on our flat tomorrow. Quite exciting to come home and find they've already started 'de-puttying' the outside of our windows on one side of the flat (they''ve also cracked one, but who cares - we'll have lovely new double glazed panels in there soon!)

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