Grandmother to the Rescue

I am trekking west today in my role of supportive mother, with subsidiary ones of Super Nanny and cleaning lady.
I hope to cajole my newest grandson into thinking his cot is a better than his mother's shoulder in which to fall asleep thus freeing her up to have a life.

It will be tough love from me, I'm afraid, which will probably not be appreciated by him or by his Mama, or possibly by any neighbours within earshot. In fact I may not get away with it. I'll report back.

Apart from my overnight bag and Marigolds, I carry with me this new jumper for the lad, which he will grown into eventually, long before he has a voice to say he doesn't like Grandma's home knits.
Poor wee man, he has a pile of hand me down granny knits waiting in the wings, all from cousins who are now old enough to have discovered the veto.

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