Double Shot Mummy


Sports Day!

Oscar getting his medal <3

I cannot find the words to describe how utterly adorable Bailee and Oscar were at Sports Day! They had the biggest smiles on both their faces throughout the entire event. It began with a relay race. The teams had to race around the cones with a ball between their knees. The clumsiness and determination, I will never forget.

Next their class, the 'Precious Puppies' had two dance routines to perform. I was astounded at what they remembered and their enthusiasm. The second part involved shiny pom poms, they had us all dancing!

At the end the medals were handed out. Here Oscar and Bailee are lined up with their class. I remember being so nervous about them starting nursery almost one year ago. But they haven't had a day they didn't want to go and I love seeing how much fun they get up to! It will definitely be emotional when they finish there.

I was proud of both Oscar and Bailee, but super proud of Bailee today. I saw a glimpse of me as a girl in her today. I saw how nervous and shy she was in the relay... but she didn't give in. In the car on the way home she told me that she "....just looked at mummy. I didn't look at all the other mummies because they were scary". I knew what she meant. I used to be that little girl once, but Bailee is more courageous already.

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