Exciting news!!

Left work at 3:30 today to go and talk to Will's teacher about how wonderful he is and how much she loves him. We celebrated that he can now read and worried about how hard he finds writing due to his need to do it absolutely perfectly. It was a good ten minutes.

You are never going to believe this but it appears I have a sporting injury! I have never written those words in that order in my life before. An odd top of my leg ache was diagnosed by Hamnah as a hip flexor strain and a variety of running websites confirm this. And, even more excitingly, it is a common footballer injury!! Can you imagine? As you can imagine I am ever so impressed with myself and am now resting up to allow healing to take place.

I seem to have spent longer today thinking about the words I am going to write here rather than the actual picture. Wills swimming lesson. He generally mucked about and made me question everything his teacher said about his hard working attitude.

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