A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Flower Power

I love the first stages of spring, when all the flowers start to pop up. Crocuses, snowdrops.and tulips to me signify the start of the summer weather and (hopefully) the end of the rain!

It's my Wednesday off so I've spent it doing uni reading about the Anti-Road Movement and about Myra Hindley as well as lecture note writing up.

I took a wander into town just to get out into the sunshine, and I wished I'd had my SLR with me. Dundee is not particularly pretty but today it looked wonderful! Flowers blooming, sunshine beaming, shadows everywhere.

I bought myself a new backpack for my summer adventures! I am so excited about it arriving tomorrow! Kirsty and I are only taking hand luggage to Barcelona and Rory and I are planning on going walking when we are away. It's making me excited about summer!

Made myself a lovely spag bol for dinner and now I am stuffed! Shower, tv and then bed, book and a cuppa for me

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