any old excuse
As I've been biting my nails for as long as I can remember I consider it an achievement that I'm currently down to three-severely-bitten and seven-normal-ish, though as I've been at that sort of stage for a while (occasionally almost either letting one start growing or starting to attack another) it's definitely time to advance the target a little bit and aim for perhaps all ten being normal-ish, perhaps by perhaps the middle of May next year. I try to be aware of when I'm biting them but as it's generally when I'm either most distracted or concentrating really hard I don't notice when I'm biting often enough. Two of the worst are on my left hand (including the thumb) which is almost certainly due to being right-handed which generally means my right hand is safe when it's operating the mouse at my desk, leaving the left free to be chewed as I scroll and click.
Remarkably, I don't think I bit them at all between 11:15 this morning and 12:45 this afternoon, roughly the time between seeing Nicky's number pop up on my phone, hearing that she'd had some nether-bleeding, had called the pregnancy support unit at the infirmary and been told to head straight in (which she did with the aid of a lift from her boss), being given a reassuring listen to the heartbeat (last reassuringly heard for the first time yesterday when she met the midwife) just before I arrived (in a remarkably safely-driven and silent taxi) after which she was speaked and poked at by a few different doctors (who all confirmed the initial suspected cause) and arriving back at home, safely still-pregnant after being assured that cervical ectropion is reasonably common in pregnants and is nothing to worry too much about. Apart from her sore left arm from her H1N1-repelling injection yesterday and the general unpleasantness of the fright she is now fine, has been relaxing on the sofa for the afternoon and shall be taking it easy until Monday after her boss pretty much ordered her to take the rest of the week off.
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