A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Enjoying a little change of scenery, visiting somewhere I've never been before; Leeds.

Arrived early this afternoon for a few days of Rasch analysis training, something which will be essential when my data starts coming in - eek.

The course itself is of a fairly high standard (as far as I can tell, at least!) and seems to have been really well organised which is good. It is taking a while to wrap my brain about the subject matter, however hopefully that will come with the practical application tomorrow. Thankfully the other people on the course and the trainers themselves are all lovely, down to earth people which is great. The piles of fresh fruit and biscuit are, of course, a bonus!

Otherwise a really, really good day; relaxing train journey, sunny Leeds wanderings and a quiet, chilled evening in my hotel room now. I had forgotten how much I enjoy this :)

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