The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

The rides at Southwater Woods.......

.......are a riot of colour!
I decided to go to Southwater woods today, I LOVE this place in summer as it is full of flowers and insects, and I can literally waste hours there!
However... in the winter it is very muddy, and so sad with no insects to enjoy!
I wasn't surprised to see several trees down, including one still completely blocking the pathway, and this combined with the tree felling for forest management has really opened the woodland up.
There were loads of clumps of primroses everywhere, and along the main ride I came across this glorious patch of wild daffodils. resplendent among the primroses in the late afternoon sunshine.
The wild daffodil or Lent lily Narcissus pseudonarcissus,is a common perennial wild flower which is native to England and Wales. I think as is often the case it is a nice simple version of the gaudy daffodils grown in gardens, and probably at it's best in a woodland setting amongst the other spring flowering beauties.
On another note my pair of Mallard ducks (will & Millie) are still in residence on the fast diminishing roadside stream where I saw them a few days ago. I stopped the car today and popped out to get a few pics, Millie was quite alarmed by this, and took flight! I returned to the car to watch and Will just kept quacking wildly at her till, after 3 circuits she flew back down and into the ditch! It was touching to watch, but I do hope they realize the ditch is going to dry up!

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