A Mystery

We went to a different rock store today in search of more gravel to protect us from the mud. There are a lot of contradictions in that sentence, the most evident one being the fact that it is now summer here! No mention of rain. No mud. Much talk of drought. ..again! It was 77 degrees as we drove to another stone yard. My poor aged Beemer signed on for carrying Ozzie around but never furniture, trees, dirt and rocks!

This was the third place we went in search of gravel to match what we already have everywhere. It seems that, because it is a popular type and color of gravel, everyone has run out of it. Apparently it comes from an unreliable quarry which is not providing refills at the moment.

While OilMan negotiated inside for a slightly different color, I wandered around this large purveyor of rocks! There are rock slabs, baskets full of rocks, huge rocks, sand, gravel and pebbles of all sizes. (It occurred me that in the time we have been waiting for our shower wall, I could have stacked and installed the pebbles from Wheeler Zamaroni myself!)

A small child played happily in a giant pile of sand, beeping cement trucks and conveyor belts from a small quarry providing a backdrop. The ambience was perfectly enhanced by the faint whiffs of fertilizer that drifted on the stiff breeze.

Perhaps it was the lovely weather or the setting of the entire operation at the foot of emerald green hills, but I had a wonderful time wandering around taking photos.

In the end, the ultimate blip presented itself while we were driving home. Feel free to guess what you think it is. I will tell you the answer tomorrow.

A number of you have expressed interest in the "Amalie" project. Since I'm not much of an organizer, my suggestion is this. : if you would like to do it, pick your icon and your time frame and go for it. You can tag your pictures "Amalie Project". We all follow each other anyway, so we'll see them.

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