Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Cheeky Merlot

I've had a few itches for a couple of days but I didn't really think anything of it, I dyed my hair at the weekend for the first time in about 18 months so I just assumed it must be a slight reaction to that.
However this morning I got up covered in angry red hives, a full on allergic reaction to something :( Argh!

The only thing I can think that been doing/eating differently, other than the hair dye, is taking lots of vitamins to try and build up my immune system after all these horrible bugs I've been getting recently. the doc thinks that it could possibly be the colourings they put into these (so healthy!).

Anyway I was thinking the worst because this has happened to me a couple of times before and it was absolutely hellish. The last time was cough medicine and it went on for over a week and was incredibly painful.
However I took plenty of antihistamines and covered myself in stinky cream and by this afternoon it had considerably reduced! Yay! So hopefully whatever it was that caused it I can't have ingested too much of :)

Felt so much better that I even managed to pop across the road and meet a friend for a drink, despite being a bit blotchy and smelling of Eurax cream! Lovely!
Some good conversation and a cheeky merlot later and I was most cheered up :O)

So now I'm going to have some tomato soup and head off to bed really early, hopefully I'll wake up itch-free tomorrow. x

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