Too little can be too much
Or is that too much can be too little? There's too much cat yet not enough. This one is way too close and wants to be fed rather than be photographed. He won in the end. He always does.
The sun was glorious today, but I watched it from inside - busy, busy, busy. I had a wee FEAST meeting with the other hub leader volunteers. We have a new payment system and it's a little tricky to understand it. Unusually, I seem to know what I'm doing so I imparted my knowledge. The rumbles and happy chirps from the guinea pigs added a bit of sound entertainment to those unused to rodents of an average size.
In a few weeks, the same hub leaders will be returning with their young children to visit the petting zoo (as my flat is now known). I'm sure Mr Kipling will oblige, and Whisky will not. The Ladies will run away and Omar might be asleep.
There was more House of Cards this evening. I'm well and truly hooked.
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