Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Pigeon Tower

This morning I had a walk up Rivington with my Mum, Dad, Baxter, Hovis and Flint (our dogs). The idea was to take a picture of the dogs but that just wasn't happening. They must be the only dogs in England who don't know the command "sit"! At least it seemed that way when I was trying to photograph them.

Instead, here's a picture of the Pigeon Tower. Built for William Lever in the gardens of his bungalow (no longer in evidence). This bungalow had a big extention with a glass roof under so that Lord Leverhulme (William Lever) could sleep under the stars. That always impressed have that lifestyle in the early 1900s must've been so amazing. Even now, I would like to sleep up there, under the stars!

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