Creeping autumn

There is a definite change in my foot this week. Today I took another little walk. I carried one crutch but didn't need it. I even found myself carefully walking on grass and up a small knoll. Such a sense of freedom!

I skyped Dad and Jennie tonight. Because of my foot I haven't been there to help sort out and move on Mum's clothes, shoes etc this week. It's another layer of reality for all of us.

Mum's tendency to clean things out has made it easy in one sense but really it's never easy. From a distance I've found it harder than I expected. New physical gaps to clean, fill and rearrange. New absence.

Mum loved the autumn colours of the south. They're more pronounced than the warmer north and she would have enjoyed these. I hadn't realised autumn would remind me of Mum too.

I forgot I had my annual review at work today. It went well and I got some pleasing feedback. After work one of my builders popped in to squirt silicon in various spots. It won't stop all the leaks but it will help. He has a plausible theory for the problems in my back wall. I'm pleased he'll be working on my repairs.

And with that it's time I tottered off to bed.

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