Around And Around We Go

I watched a Thai woman paddle out into the river in one of the hotel's kayaks as I was taking pictures in the afternoon light. I lost track of her as I got distracted by different things along the river's shoreline. A sprouting coconut floating in the water, this giant snail shell, the fuzzy green plants that had scrubby leaves like my kitchen sponge.

Then one of the guys who worked at the hotel walked down to the river and pulled out a kayak. Oh how nice that he has time in the afternoon to go for a paddle, I thought. Then I realized he was going out to save the woman who left a while earlier. She couldn't make her way back and had called a friend to ask the hotel to help. The guy had a good attitude about it. Something told me that this wasn't the first damsel in distress he has saved from a runaway kayak.

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