
And so another day of utter chaos ensued...though I only really followed in the slipstream...

The dead man was back on his ghat this morning, but gone by afternoon....

Sitting on a ghat quietly this morning I felt a thud and a cold trickle down my back...happy holi! Came the shout as anther crashed into me; the first water bombs of this festival...and so pink and purple back I wandered onwards....I really do love holi, tonight half a dozen covered in bright pink powder passed by, Jens got hit by two blue bombs from a window in an alley...its begun and now, until the full moon just gets more and more crazy...should be fun...

And it's time to leave. Think will get ticket north, go quiet for a week before the trek down to Mumbai...and should do this tomorrow... another week, I think is long enough...we were talking earlier about how this place consumes you. All of a sudden you lose track of the reality out with this place, what's it going to be like returning to the real world. After Varanasi, India should seem quite ordered...,

Other events? Made the mistake of getting involved with Milo's "interesting" day...ended up in a Kali temple with a madman who was into self administered poisons and blood letting....that was definitely an odd one...I think...

And later was the never ending jam, on the roof tonight, mosquito coils and incense; and sat listening happily as others took guitars and played awhile...but there was a most delicious "little wing" at one point.

It seems to be falling, almost chaotically, into some odd routine here...but it's still fun, the city intrigues me, the changing moods of the Ganges: from pre dawn glimmering until the lights ripple in reflection, occasional candles and boats passing; the mists and shimmers, the languid curve of the disappearing city. And we, being fairly central in the ghats have a rooftop view in both directions...not a bad place to be...


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