came to visit us. It had however been a while since we had seen them.
The weather for the nth time superb. We drank coffee on the balcony, had lunch inside and the plan was to have a nice walk after that.
So we went through the Meer en Bos park, entered the dunes and came straight to the sea. Along the shore we walked southwards. And all the time talking, telling how life was doing, how their children and our child were doing, and how swift their grandchildren grew and how lucky they were to be able to be part of their lifes.
Ko and Piet Hein knew each other from the time they had their twelfth birthday, when they attented the same school, after that time had studied in Leiden law.
As it sometimes goes a wide gap of years where their path took different ways and how good it is to be in touch again.
After our walk they left and we looked and discussed pictures and had to choose.
Just before the entrance of the park I had seen several butterflies and took some pictures, knowing that I had not my favoured lens at the camera. But this little 'portrait' will do.
My haiku:
You are so early dear
When the snow will come next week
I can give you shelter
And the proverb:
Zoals het geluid is, zo is ook de echo.
Translation: The echo is exactly as the sound is.
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