The Gallops

Pal Helen and I did a recce for a sponsored walk which our sixth formers want to organise after their exams. The walk was a circular one, beginning at Hirst Wood near Saltaire and taking in Shipley Glen and Baildon Moor, finishing back in Saltaire (lunch at the Half Moon Café!)

We both commented how you think you know your 'own patch' but often drive past and through it without walking it. I knew lots of different sections of today's walk from childhood and outings with our own children. Shipley Glen was always a favourite place for climbing on rocks and we have orienteered on the moor countless times. Honestly I expected it to be a pedestrian route but there was lots to discover and contrasting terrain. We spotted curlews and lapwings, a skylark and Hen Harrier, passed a mini waterfall, managed to avoid racehorses out on their gallops and applauded a golfer getting on the green against a headwind. I'm sure the students will enjoy it as much as we did.

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