Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I am not by nature particularly subtle, but I like the subtle tones in this.

The turbine has popped up on my route to Wakefield, probably not without some controversy I imagine.

It set me off smiling to myself as I remembered that my son was mad on windmills when he was little - probably due to there being one in Teletubbies and Thomas the Tank Engine. I decided to make him a scrapbook of windmill pictures - it took much scouring of magazines and comics, many visits to travel agents for Dutch bulb field brochures, and a miraculously discovered roll of Delft style wallpaper in B & Q. He absolutely adored it (don't tell him but I still have it and will be bringing it out at some embarrassing point in the future).

I thought that these days I could just print off a load of photos from Google images - where's the challenge in that?

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