cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster


"If you paid me £1000 - I still wouldn't listen to that eejit"

- just one of the responses to a friend's questionnaire on people's views of tax and their opinions of companies such as Starbucks and people like Jimmy Carr avoiding theirs! Trust the Fermanagh folk to provide such an opinion! hahaha!

In total I managed to persuade/order over 50 people to complete a questionnaire. After they provided over 200 fingerprints for my dissertation 2 years ago, handing out a few questionnaires was the least I could do for them!

The hard work is all down to them now! The eejit quote would certainly give their lecturers a light-hearted moment during final marking! I'd almost dare them to include it in their write up somewhere, but something tells me I might live to regret it if I did! haha! Think I'll play safe and get them to stick to the Benj Franklin quotes!


Oh, and for those who don't know what an eejit is, google it! Urban Dictionary will soon tell you! haha!

# Independent Woman - Beyonce #

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