The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


The sun climbed out of the mist at about 2.20 today, and I took this shot at about 3.30 on my way home. The resurfacing of the top half of the high street, which I blipped here, and here is almost complete. All the cement-juice still needs washing away, and there was a stack of barriers behind me, and some small machines, but the donkey work is done.

Work was rather busy: many staff were off sick or on courses. I was even asked if I could do extra work tomorrow (first time I've been asked) but my other work is crowding in tomorrow, so it's unlikely I can do any.

Once at home, I went round to my neighbour's to watch a TV show. She has a dreadful cold, so I may have caught it. I've also been working on planning a voluntary play session for under 4s and their parents at a local primary school. Exciting times!

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