
By credere


Sunday. Sunshine! Went out for a lovely (if muddy) walk with S today. I even caught a bit of sun on my face - not sure my skin remembered how to react to so much sunlight!

Lovely though the walk was, I was definitely in moron-mode today. Everything was going to plan - I was up early, showered, dressed, been to the shops, took myself out for breakfast, back home, sandwiches made, bag packed, driving route mapped out, ready to go.

And then I got in the car... took a wrong turn, started doubting myself, decided just to use satnav, managed to drive to the entirely wrong place as per satnav's directions - which included driving past no fewer than 3 signposted turnoffs I could have taken for my desired destination, but I was doubting my directions, so I followed the satnav!

Arrived half an hour late, in a mild rage! Come on now, it's a lovely day. No point being angry! Start walking down the hill - oh £%&^£@! I forgot to change into my walking boots!! Oops. More hurry....

For the rest of the day it was quite enjoyable, peaceful and very beautiful. S seemed highly amused at his in-walk entertainment in the form of me managing to find the muddiest parts of the fields to walk through! Picture the 2 of us - S with his spotless cream trousers and me shin-deep caked in mud!

Of course this story should be accompanied by a beautiful photo of the lovely sun-drenched st Catherine Valley or some butterflies or flowers etc. But alas I did not take any photos - no, it wasn't because I forgot my camera or hadn't charged the battery! To be perfectly honest, I was just too busy enjoying the walk and didn't feel particularly photographically inspired.

But this photo-frame combination will change all that I'm sure! I bought it yesterday on a whim; my flat needs some brightening up. Now, will I paint the frame a different colour? And then, how to choose which photos will go in there?

Pleasantly exhausting day :) Hope for some more sunshine soon. Maybe not too soon though, I have to replace my sunglasses first as I left them on a hillside today! Did I mention I was in moron-mode?!....

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