Maine Coon Cats

By Kirkwoodiecoons

Thank god its Friday!

Well its been a busy week at Kirkwoodiecoon. Sybil (in picture) had a trip to the vet on tuesday. She had managed to cut herself on the litter tray...i think she stumbled. She's 19 this year so she is a tad bit wobbly. Anyhow since then Ive had a real battle to keep the wound clean. A friend sent me the pink dog jumper in the post and she loves it! Keeps her nice and warm and it also does the trick by stopping her from washing the affected area.

In other news, Bella and Monty had their 4th birthdays this week. It doesn't seem like five minutes ago that I brought them home as kittens. Mini is also continuing to improve following her illness and her body seems to be accepting the new food. I am drip feeding the biscuit so she doesn't develop an intolerance to it. We are up to two very small portions per day plus the cooked turkey mince.

The cat litter arrived today...was down to one bag which is dire...especially for 16 cats! Finally its 8 days until the kittens arrive from Belgium. I must get the kitten room ready this weekend

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