
By Thepainterswife

Beautiful day...Cyclone on its way.

I haven't blipped for a couple of days, this flu I have had has taken my energy , I have felt terrible all week really.

I forced myself to take a walk this afternoon before I picked Ella up and ended up in town near the river.
It was so still, hot and sunny. Blue sky and autumn colours of the trees, hard to believe that the weekends weather forecast is for a Cyclone with heavy rain!

So once again Christchurch is preparing for a battering, after only a week ago we were flooded with the last lot of rain, most of the city is ready this time though, and there is not much we can do in some circumstances. I noticed alot of council diggers clearing drains today too in anticipation of high volumes of water ....we will see how it goes, fingers crossed for everyone.

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