
By acr83

20 weeks

Half way!

I feel like there's finally a noticeable difference in my weekly belly shots now.

Had a super productive day today. A surprise gift from my husband arrived first thing today. I had to go to work before I got to give it a whirl. It's a red cake mixer. Something I've wanted for ages. I've never owned more than a handheld mixer before.

When I finished my half day at work I whipped up a chocolate cake. It's so much easier when you can flip the switch then walk away from the mixer.

Later on I finished my second knitting project (newborn booties) and started on my third. I made an ambitious jump straight to a cardigan. It's going well... so far...

Then I single-handedly wrangled olive into her cage to take her to the vet. Not an easy task! (She's fine. Just her annual booster)

And now, there's a homemade curry on the stove. I've successfully made it through the working week without paying for any food outside of the groceries. A great success!

Kaizen activity day seventeen: had a team breakfast today. It's always good to do something a bit different with your working day than sit around the office discussing business. We didn't talk about much work but the bonding is always good.

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