Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo


Behold my "wrong city" early morning nemesis. These are the Fleshmarket steps on my ascent to the old town en-route to work. I'm usually breathing out my ass when I get to the top - not a good sign, but accurate none the less. I use them as its the lesser of a number of other nasty climbs I could use. And to think 6 months ago I was bounding up the News steps.

Tonight was all about getting ready for Sunday's rugby match. Head-coach is away so I'm in charge of logistics which really just means strips and balls and a head count. So I was down the club to collect all these kind of gubbins.

I then bought some Lego. The Galaxy Squad stuff is all half-price just now and includes some pretty nice kits. Youngling #1 will be delighted. The wife not so much.

Food =Chicken and rice and stuff.
Place = Swamp RFC
TV = The Good Wife (awesome)

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