Today's Memories

By Pxas

Riechemer Schuelfasnacht 2014

What a day!

I purchased my long awaited lens this morning (Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM). Spend a fortune on it, but I have a feeling we will be inseparable.

I'm a bit disappointed that the small photo shop where I bought my 5D Mark III along with the 24mm prime lens and 100mm macro lens, didn't give me a better deal. So I had no other choice and went to his competitor. Not a large internet discount store, but another small photo shop. And you know what, he gave me an offer I couldn't resist.

We had an event this morning in our neighbourhood where over 1000 kindergarten and school children participated in what's called "Riechemer Schuelfasnacht". They make their own "Larve" or masks and costumes. Ideal time to try out my lens! It's heavy though. Body and lens weigh 2.7kg. Uff

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