Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

NOT ladybirds...

...Was my Blipplan this morning.

(It beats Complan obviously but, seriously,...
Should there even be a word 'Blipplan'??).

Anyway, ladybirds weren't it.
Foggy foggy dew was the Blipplan.

I captured the foggy foggy dew, to some satisfaction actually (and that sentence in itself, is another worrying one, but I trust fellow Blippers to completely and utterly comprehend).

Then, this afternoon (to the amusement of the builders; fortunately I have thick skin) I stumbled upon a ladybird party, and when they'd all (the ladybirds, not the builders) had a small libation they posed nicely.

So... Ladybirds. (Again).

Any road up, the red wine forecast for this evening is Absolutely Marvellous.
Cheers one and all. Happy Friday :-)

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