Textastic Day

I went for a swim this morning but my knee was quite painful so I only did a few lengths and then sat in the jacuzzi. Andy, the cheerful undertaker, was in there too and we had a very interesting conversation about storing dead bodies...I've had many unusual chats with people amongst the bubbles ha ha ha.

When I arrived home I settled down to spend the morning with tea, crumpets and my book but then I received a lovely text from Kathymay...did I want to join her in town on a photo mooch. Slobbing on the sofa or out taking pics??? Well I got myself ready and whizzed off to town.

We had such a laugh as we wandered around and took our pics and then a good old chat over lunch in Waterstones. We went into the cathedral and took some photos, but we are going to go back on a sunny day. The promised sunshine never arrived today and the light was very flat.

We bumped in to Steve as we were leaving Waterstones, "Who was that?" Kath asked as we left, "He's Ellen's husband...the Ellen who sends me the nice texts inviting me round for tea and scones." "Aaah that Ellen!" So I have a tasty scone texter and now a fun photo texter.

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