The story so far...



Cam is a stickler for cleaning his teeth. It is something he demands gets done at least twice a day (even more sometimes) and now ollie has teeth it was time for him to start brushing. We have a little routine for teeth brushing. Cam gets his stool out, mummy prepares the toothbrush as does the brushing. Cam then washes his face, puts his stool away and then dries his hands and mouth. Mummy finds it amazing that he can do it all and without even being told now. Ollie seemed to enjoy the feeling of having his teeth brushed so hopefully he will slip into the same routine in no time.
Cam did his fair share of outsmarting mummy today. We missed buggyfit as mummy was in pain but decided to go to the park. Yani and his mummy joined us too for some playtime. Cam decided he wanted to go on the big slide. Unfortunately it has been taped off for ages as it is broken but that wasn't going to stop cam. As he realised he couldn't get up the steps he walked up the slide, slowly and carefully until he got to the top. The slide must be at least 8 foot high and mummy was absolutely dumb struck by it. He deserves credit for his ingenuity but mummy's heart was pounding with shear dread and fear. This kid will be the death of me!

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