
By BuissonCard


The Carl Small Town Center (CSTC) is a non-profit organization within the College of Architecture, Art, and Design at Mississippi State University. It is essentially a team of professors and students with the common goal to help a community in need. I found it interesting that the Department of Landscape Architecture does not have a sister/brother branch as a class for its graduate and fourth-year students. Community involvement is primarily based on spaces, not buildings or heavy infrastructure.

Thus, Landscape Architects, in training, would find great experience from the social aspects and real world applications. Our courtyard, along with the Heritage Museum, could act as a demonstrator for sustainable practices and materials. It also has the means to be a source of inspiration for members of the public that may be unaware of the benefits that the philosophy of sustainability has to offer as they visit our department to meet with the proposed class.

Sustainable practices can increase the longevity of a community because it foster even more community involvement. It is a cycle of progress because it does not follow the degradation of an outdated lifestyle and world.

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