South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Pink blossom

I took quite a lot of flower photos this afternoon, but this was the only one I liked! It was actually a fairly warm afternoon and I had to undo my coat in sheltered areas, but the westerly wind was still a bit cool when walking in that direction. It has been mostly sunny today - more intermittent this afternoon with some cloud around.

The missing Malaysian airliner continues to puzzle me - I have come up with one or two theories, but they're probably wrong. I did wonder whether Somalia might have been the destination, as it could be reached via a circuitous route across the Indian Ocean, avoiding American bases on various islands....I don't know enough about radar to know whether this would really be feasible or not, though. And, if it has landed, what has happened to the passengers? There is a history of hostage taking there, but one would think demands would have been made by now. Has anybody else had any thoughts about this?

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