
By Mimi

The story of my eye...

Have been out of commission since Feb 20th due to a retina detachment. Emegency surgery to restore me sight consisted of placement of a scleral buckle and gas bubbles to keep the retina in place. Surgery ended after 4 hours due to previous surgery performed in 2007. After 2 days post op..all hell broke loose...with a eye that looked as of a was in a bad fight..which was the least ofe concerns. The pressure in my eye started rising close to 80... back and forth to the doc..finally it was decided to release some of the gas iny eye.....horrific experience which I can't talk about without tensing up....the pain I dont wish on anyone. Nausa..throbbing headaches constantly led me to a 2nd surgery to have a stent draining system inplanted....pressure went down to 8...had to go again to have a piece of stent cut off ad it was too long and irritating the eye of today im now on strict bed rest to allow my bruised beat up eye to heal...I cant openy eye...dont know if I be able too see..and the headaches are horrible. Thought I take a minute and update on my status. I know that the world is much bigger than 1 eye ball and will have to stay focused on healing. Amazing how my nails have grown during this process. Take care of your eyes blip friends...

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