On the mend
And relax(ish)....
Generally a nice Saturday, I'm hoping that all the healthy eating and warm lemon water drinking will get rid of this sneezy, chesty coughing thing. It's been a week now and I found out yesterday that several people I know have been off work ill with the same thing.
Mr H has been in Ireland for a couple of weeks now and stayed at a hotel in Newport last night so he could get an early start to meet his friend for the Bristol Beer festival today. I decided not to go as I am in the middle of study. My godson has chicken pox at them moment so I'm hoping that Mr H (who has never had it) doesn't catch it. The house feels like it is an area of slight unwellness and accidents at the moment. Smashed a mug today and cut myself hence the animal on my finger :-)
In other news I did sow some basil, tomatoes and cucumber seeds today which are now snugly warming in my indoor propagator which I haven't used for a couple of years. Tomorrow I hope to put all the seeds from my half used sunflower seed packets into a large plant pot and see what happens...some of the seeds say "use by" 2010/11 but it's worth a punt! I rediscovered the music of Jeff Buckley today...magic :-)
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