looking back at the day, I am surprised to realise that I have achieved something very important to me without even noticing. Today I combined work, pleasure, family - I've taken care of people, laughed, learnt, had serious and silly conversations, cooked, baked, eaten iceream, been on a ferry and am about to write up a report and drink some whisky.
So, what was I trying to achieve? I wanted to get rid of the work/leisure dichotomy, I wanted to kick "thank god it's friday" in the teeth, I wanted to prove that it's possible to be happy and satisfied and combine all kinds of things into something called Life rather than dividing myself up into all different things and swapping roles and pretending to enjoy things I hate just so I have enough money to live on. I wanted richness and depth rather than just surviving until I die. Today was the first day I really feel like I did it. Maybe it will take a while to make every day work like this but I'm enjoying one day and will strive for more.

This is Flea being a sculpture.

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