
Up early to cycle over to Bruntsfield to meet the lovely caffeinated for breakfast and a catch-up. I was very lucky to receive a tutorial about how to use some of the features of my camera - much appreciated, lovely caffeinated!

I've got a technical question though. I took some shots on shutter priority set on mono but when I uploaded them to the computer they came out in colour. And ideas, blip boffins?

I then went to meet up with Dr T at an anti-austerity rally. There were some excellent speakers, including Carole Duggan. Afterwards we went over to a café to warm up from the cold wind. Therein I saw a man I had seen at the rally and whom I wanted to photograph. After much gathering of courage, I asked him and he accepted, only for me to then ask him to step outside because the light was better. I tell you, these blippers... He kindly agreed and through this interaction I got to meet him - Graham from the African Caribbean Network in Glasgow. A delight to meet you, Graham!

Some chores got done and then Dr T and I went off to The Filmhouse to see Unforgiven, a Japanese remake of the Clint Eastwood film. Not for the faint-hearted.

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