rubbery things

As Amos has been interspersing his wailing-because-he's-been-placed-somewhere-momentarily-when-he-wanted-to-be-up-being-cuddled-and-looking-at-things with distinct efforts of his own to try and sit up (and the same action when sitting in his wee chair thing, which results in him wobbling forward and nutting his feet, only avoiding rolling forwards off the chair due to being strapped in) it seemed an appropriate time to retrieve the inflatable nest from the top of the wardrobe, where it seemed to have acquired a remarkable amount of dust in the short time since my sister returned it. One problem we never had when Edgar was small was another much heavier child phlumphing down onto the side of the ring when he was in it.

I thought I had to go to a party in Broxburn today, but was not expected, so instead re-sealed the leaky bit at the back of the bath and fixed some more beading around the gaps at the bottom of the skirting. It was also necessary to pop to buy some more silicone sealant seeing as all of the 3½ tubes already in the house were all already solidified, whether previously opened or not. If there was a way of easily determining this without having to cut the tubes open it would be useful.

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