
By LaKwAtSeRa


Today was a day of guns, muds, paints and bruises!

Minty flatmates celebrated the end of term with a huge paintball battle at Redditch today. I forgot how it felt like to play this game since forever! I have tried this a few times before back home but the battle field and scenarios were pretty boring. The battle fields and scenarios at the paintball arena in Redditch was awesome and super fun! I knew that i was going to get bruises before i got there, but who cares! I had one awesome day!

Got hit on the head (unprotected part!), on the mouth (luckily it hit the mask!) , twice on the feet, once on my left shoulder, once on my finger and once on my back.

Total number of bruises?! Just two, one on my foot and the finger. The rest that were hit amazingly were fine (yep even the head part!).

From left to right : Rob, Lloyd, Lanting, Varun, Chris, Lolu, Ollie, Neil. Photographer : Nichola :)

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