Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Is it a Bird?

Is it a plane,........ no it's a helicopter in the middle of Melbourne! What an incredible contrast, to be staying in Melbourne, smack bang, right in the middle of the city. The Mighty Murray River seems a million miles away. The helicopters have been flying by at eye level constantly over the past couple of days and today I started to reflect on the fact that living in the city is a whole new way of life.

Many of my recent Blips have been of the natural beauty that abounds in this country. Be it the magnificent Murray River, a majestic pelican coming into land or perhaps the shy gang gang cockatoos that have been visiting Wombat Hollow over summer. The feisty red helicopter is a metaphor for life in the city. It's fast, focused and raring to go. One trip after the other, day in and day out. Hardly a moment to spare before heading off again into the wide blue yonder.

However I have to say that I have enjoyed the last couple of days. We're blessed to have a birds eye view of Melbourne life and I commented today on how peaceful it is looking out at the Yarra, the high rise buildings beyond, the people walking to and fro, the trains pulling in and out of Flinders Station and the constant stream of boats of all shapes and sizes going backwards and forwards along the river. We're really enjoying having the time to reflect!

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