MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Cold, windy and wet

Feels like its winter again after the good weather we've had....thank goodness not a winter with snow....just a * normal * winters day.

This morning while Hubby went to gym I did a 70 mins, walk/run on the treadmill while watching The Voice UK....then went to shower and wash my hair. While drying my hair I got the idea to ask Hubby to take a few images of me on the new little photography place in my upstairs area. I wanted to check the light...see if what is in my head works.
Hubby took a few, which I have posted on my Facebook photography page. I am happy with the area...but will have to play around till I am totally satisfied.

This afternoon I went to a town that is FAR away to photograph 2x football games for tomorrow's newspaper. I did write to the editor and tell him that I am not available till the last week in MAY!!!!! Am sure by then he will have other photographers doing the job and not need me when I return. ( sad )

Tomorrow my hubby is off to France for a week
I am posting off the CD's of the 3x First baby shoots I captured last Tuesday....

Hope you all had a great weekend.

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