Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

7 months!!!

OMG where has the time gone??

Still no sitting unaided but we are sitting up better and for longer unaided.
We've mastered rolling over and rolling to reach things we want (mainly Sophie the giraffe).
We've got the leg action for crawling down we just need to figure out what to do with our arms yet somehow we still manage to move around a hell of a lot.
And we can sit up better in our high chairs too
We've started to move on to more solid foods
Pasta stars
Heinz biscotti
Fruit to suck on
Rice cakes
Mummy's home made purées which are lumpy compared to the shop bought purées.
Once all the stage one shop bought stuff is gone we will be on to the stage 2 stuff scary time.
So far the only thing we have taken a major dislike to is cauliflower cheese.
Off to clinic tomorrow hopefully to get us weighed.

Our Mema (mammy's grandma) isn't very well she's in the hospital as there is something wrong with her liver. We don't know what yet hopefully it's nothing too bad but she is nearly 88 and has dementia.

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