Lush Green &

Spaceship clouds. Another fab day but very windy..
OK so today Mr L ordered asked me if I would help
splitting logs, he has made another log splitter...what is it
with these men and their toys eh gowon tell me.... Well I
am yet again Saint Lemmy cos I did all the donkey work
while he dribbled looked lovingly at his log splitter
and worked it..but hahahahaha I snuck off to the green house
and planted up some seeds...tomatoes mini cucumbers and
chillies...then The gods shone down on me and G'daughter
arrived, but hey that was short lived cos she had called in to
show me more stuff on my new fone and the tablet thingymebob
she downloaded whatsap so I can get fotos from them all but
most importantly ones of Isla so I can see her everyday the
latest one was Isla with her Mams boots on holding a
mahooosive handbag, I did laugh, and my granddaughter was
in stitches at me with all this freaking teeeechniiical stuff I
have to remember.......My head is mush now...well even more
mush than usual..........
Hope your all having a great day :-)x

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