A Touch O' the Irish

I went to give blood this morning at the Novotel. It was heaving with blood givers, there has been a national campaign for O- and B- blood....I'm just your common O+, but they still wanted it. Fortunately, my haemoglobin levels were normal this time and they could take it, it did need a bit of pumping to encourage it to flow though. "Take it easy this afternoon," I was told...hmmm, was walking round Manchester taking pics of the St Patrick's Day Parade taking it easy? I hope so as that's what I did ha ha ha.

There were plenty of marchers, leprechaun looky likies, pipes and drums and trucks but it was a bit shabby. The light was very flat which didn't help and my pics were uninspiring. I met up with Allison and Alan for a drink and we walked through the stalls in Albert Square. The drinks were flowing and we wanted a punch up for a good action shot but it was too early...I'm sure it is kicking off by now though ha ha ha. We did come across Bailey the poodle though, he was all bedecked with a touch of the Irish green and was happy to pose for a photo.

My missing pint is catching up with me now and I have my feet up and I'm watching The Man With the Golden Gun, a good film to generate red blood cells in front of.

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