Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Homemade Christmas Cards

Kory's nursery are quite green - they have a "only 1 card for everyone" policy so the kids aren't each dishing out 40 cards. They ask that the children each make one card at home, take it in for everyone and they use them to help decorate them and use as a talking point at circle time.

I did a trial run last night to see if my idea worked - which it did. Mine is the silver one on the left. However Kory advised me today it was boring and didn't look Christmassy, and he wanted colours too. He had great fun cutting out the snowflakes, using gloopy glue to stick them and then glitter too. All in one sitting. I even managed to keep my OCD in check and not interfere too much with where glitter etc went.

I'm really excited about posting this blip tonight, I've linked it with my other obsession which is Twitter, so when I publish this, it'll hopefully tell the whole Twitter world it's there! (If you are not already being bored by my twittering, I'm @pinktwinkles there, feel free to follow)

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