midwife crisis

By lulubelle

pretty poly

After the storm damage some of the poly tunnels are being moved. A meathial on Friday saw many of the farm members putting on the new poly - pretty hard work I gather. I had a busy day with clients and missed it, but would have enjoyed the collective effort and the craic of getting these two re covered.
Took a late afternoon stroll with Hubs to drop off the compost at the allotments, we have over spill as the PIG composter is not happy and we have to get wood chips, card board is not doing the job (so says the master composter in the house).
So the sun came out for our stroll, we checked out the new tunnels, got invited to dinner next door and paid a visit to a poorly chicken who is egg bound - ouch (and possible pot bound if she doesn't pop them out soon). Hubs thinks I should take the salad servers to her - in a forceps delivery kind of way. I'm more for the castor oil or enema approach.

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