Jax and co.

By indusriver

when it's all a bit full on!

How I have managed to miss 5 days of blipping I have no idea - well of course I do - busy with work and busy with life, something has to give!

So a recap (for me and my future memories...!)
Beautiful days - Monday and Tuesday - Sienna ran wild down at the river in a totally inappropriate white dress - 1 day of sun does not dry up months of mud, my child!
Conducting interviews - Wednesday and Friday - oh so hard to decide 'who' when all are so good.
One late night writing personalised emails to those who did not make interview stage :(
An absolute cracker of a meeting with a big shot well connected business guy on Thursday - left us reeling but very excited...
Further momentum on creating a 'Risk Forum' as part of Kendal Mountain Festival in November - maybe with this extraordinary guy.
Two late nights working in the Studio.
Two big proposals finished.
One large copywriting job completed.
One parent teacher academic review fitting in.
One Governor's meeting missed.
Rowing/Judo/Rainbows/Swimming/Violin/Scouts/Drama/Choir/Climbing/Ballet & Dance lessons to fit in.
Two friends given the looks like the 'all clear' with regard to cancer...
One Garden Day for Sienna at school.
Payments for school trips,, summer camps, leaver's hoodies and proms to sort
One eye appointment for me where all was good.
One lost tooth.
And one session as a mermaid for Sienna - with her 'misters' honestly!

The week ahead has similar challenges BUT I am off skiing in Chamonix with three friends - Thursday to Sunday and with no children - I am beside myself with joy! Really I am.

Oh this picture was post dinner and a general chat about rowing between Steve and Indus while Sienna returns for more food - that captures for a second a slice of our family life.

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