It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

WW2 Camp......Dereliction

What another glorious weather day! Just like summer but not quite so hot.

I wanted to go back to the WW2 camp where I took Nadine's shot in 1940's dress last week. It was so nice having her there I didn't really take any of the camp so today I went back with Garri and we spent a long time wandering about and taking photos.
Lighting was good as it was a bright day but I'm very glad I took my tripod as it just made the images so much sharper and I did a good few bracketed shots too.
We have not been home long so this is my only pic edited but tomorrow morning after work I will endeavour to edit the rest and put them on Flickr for you to peruse.

I have to say photographically and weather wise it has been my best weekend for a long time!
Today was the icing on the cake.

Hope you have all had a good weekend.

I have not had time to comment on you photos as I'm so busy. Apologies guys.

Off to work now :-(

Draco Dragon xx

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