If You Could See Me Now


The Wedding

Weddings always remind me of a piece of wisdom that my Classics teacher shared with our class:

"Marriage is a three ring circus; Engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering."

That so does not apply to weddings, at all! Especially this one, they both looked super happy and amazing!

I spent the whole day with the bride, taking photos in the process.

I had a hard time trying to find something to put on blip, coz i thought it was wrong to put one of the best photos on here when the bride and groom haven't seen the pics yet...

So, June if you see this, it's just a taste of whats to come :)

I just want to thank both June and Sav for asking me to take the photos and for an amazing time!

P.S. Hey Lisa, it was a toss up between this and you looking like a fish! Hope your feeling better! ;)

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