By wellsforzoe

Ready for Market

Simon holds up the first marketable produce from the co op in Sonda, two leaves of what they call Chinese Cabbage, a mustard like plant.
The seeds were sown about the end of May, so it looks to have done very well, even though the weather has been very cold. (A lesson for next year!)
I figure he looks businesslike, in the picture, but I'm sure we will get some major celebrations when the the first money comes in, particularly, as most of the women in this group have never had money, ever.

The net seems to be operating today, but Harisen writes...


Just two pictures,
Greet the three guys we miss them.
I was trying to send more but our net is giving me problems all the time.


The three guys he refers to are Kevin and the two Caitrionas, who arrived home today.

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