George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Let's hear it for......

....the vertically challenged.

I've seen lots of other dogs on Blip. There's Tussock (you've got to know Tussock, she's famous); and there's Shadow Dancer - so beautiful. And there's RipandRoo, and Molly the Gorgeous Collie; not to mention Maude from Come into the Garden and Dogblog.

Do you see where I am going here?

Let's hear it for us smaller dogs - we're just big dogs in small bodies.

I thought I'd better mention it, but all that newspaper is in case I want to have a wee. But today I worked out a scheme. If I paw at HER legs and whimper a bit, SHE takes me outside. Then I can do my wee on the lawn, and I get a treat.

How about that!

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